Central Parade and Dee Street Pharmacy, is your friendly, locally owned pharmacy located on the corner of Maunganui Road and Dee Street. We stock a great range of gifts..... Designer Brands make up..., a variety of natural health ranges including Inner Health, Clinicians Nutrients and Harkers Herbal plus many more. We offer Medico Pack blister packs for medicines compliance. Come in and chat to our friendly staff for any of your pharmaceutical needs.

Our pharmacy services...

Smoking Cessation
Sharps Bin Needle Disposal
ECP - Free Emergency Contraception
Medicine Management
Bacterial Conjunctivits
P07 575 4369


Central Parade Pharmacy

536 Maunganui Rd
Mount Maunganui

p 07 575 4369

f 07 575 4691

Secure Prescription Email

e centralparadepharmacy@xtra.co.nz

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